Doll Family: July 2012 Portrait

With the addition of three new dolls to my doll family last week I felt it was time to take an updated photo of my doll family. Here are my girls having a welcoming party for Thaddeus, Siobhán and Sidonie!

July Group shot

My goodness how my collection grown in the past year and a half!

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Happy Easter!

I hope everyone is enjoying their Easter holiday weekend. Here in Canada, it’s a 4-day weekend for most schools, businesses and shops. PlasticFantastic and Sam came over today to hang out, and a few photos came about.

Here’s Mélisande with a cute Easter basket that I made.
Easter Baskets

Well hello there little yellow chick! ^__^”

This basket was a gift for Puppy52. The Easter Bunny delivered it to her a bit early, but it’s better to be early than late!

PlasticFantastic’s Amber has a bunny in her basket. ^_^”

Médée looks super adorable in this bunny kigurumi!

Aerie as the Easter Bunny. With special appearance by Angry Bunny!

Happy Easter to all of my friends! ♥ (and if you don’t celebrate Easter, I hope you still have a lovely weekend! ^__^”)
– Archangeli

My Newest Dollfie Dream – Yukino v.2

I adopted a Yukino v. 2 doll while I was in Tokyo last weekend at the Dollfie Dream Gathering (which I blogged about here) and she’s settled in at home with her new sisters already, but I wanted to share some photos of her at the Volks Akihabara showroom. I brought some little things like stockings, shoes, a wig and Water Wax with me since I didn’t want her to be in her little white nightie and it was a great opportunity to show off the new Stylish Tartan Set that was released last weekend. I’ve named my new girl Mélisande d’Archangeli, but I’ll probably call her Mel or Melissa for short.

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